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Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020 (Deqing County) Opened for Outdoor Recreation, Building Materials and Hardware Traders and Suppliers

Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020 (Outdoor Recreation, Building Materials & Hardware) in Deqing was unveiled on June 12 for more than 120 firms from both Deqing and other parts of the world. The launch ceremony, with the presence of county mayor Ao Yuxin and his associates, was hosted by the county’s government and co-organized by the local commerce authority and ZIEC.

Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020

K. Lakshminarayanan, Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu (India), Marinenko Pavel Leonidovich, Deputy Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, Andrei Adolfovich Besedin, Chairman of Ural Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Aizhakov Samrat, Vice President of Kazakhstan Astana Chamber of Commerce, and Engr. Wilfredo L. Decena, President of the Philippine Constructors Association, addressed the ceremony on videos. The ceremony also had the presence of reps from the Economy Committee of Mogilev Regional Executive Committee (Belarus) and Pinnacle Group International (the Philippines) etc.

In his address, Mayor Ao indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic was a devastating hit on the global economy and human society. The on-video fair launched by Deqing County, under this circumstance, is an attempt to ease up on the outdoor recreation industry. It is a campaign to shelter especially the foreign traders and brokers from outdoor recreation, building materials and hardware sectors now confronting a shrinking market, and meanwhile to provide them with legal, reliable and affordable trade opportunities. It is also a model case of using digital technology to provide a solution pack based on big data, mobile internet and social networking to bridge the gap between the exhibitors and foreign buyers and maintain the worldwide supply chain in operation.

The first session, scheduled from June 15 to 20, will house 40 Deqing-based companies to talk and make deals by video conferencing with over 60 partners from ASEAN and India of the said industries. The rest two sessions will be held in the middle of this July and September.

Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020

The fair also allows the domestic companies to stage and advertise commodity from all angles and negotiate with partners on the web, providing more information than mere sales texts for buyers from overseas to understand and place orders.

The partnership built between Deqing’s firms and global buyers via the three sessions will contribute sustainably to market and economic recovery.

Contact person: Ekaterina Chernova
e-mail: expokatya@yandex.ru

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